Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Speak now


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Abstract to Reason

We may be existing in a time 
where Law and Order have been lost; where truth 
has no place in the scheme of life and things;  
where truth has no character, no standing,
where lies and only lies have more weight; 
more substance, more worth, and indeed more 
persuasiveness than reason. 

Is there somewhat a monstrous nature to each
of us that we are becoming more abstract than
real as time passes.  Have we allowed a Contrary to 
Good establish what is within reason; cloud our judgment 

Have we entered into another Age in time,
where reason is lost; Does truth mean anything 
to anyone; anymore?  Have we become void 
of reality and truth?

Is it that what we see with our own 
eyes not real, or even relevant than
a bogus lie boldly presented in the face of truth
Is it that a lie seems more real than what is truly real;  Or 
is everything weighted in as a con or game to say;  
the Abstract is possible;  where one outweighs the other?

Jean lee

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