Friday, September 28, 2018

Shared Notes

Just a Thought

I Believe:

Whatever you do in this life, which has been given, determines or contributes to where your Soul goes as it leaves your body on this Plain.

I Believe:  

The old adage "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is highly regarded around the world.  

Ask yourself, Who am I? And, Who do others say that I am?  And, go Whom do I belong?

Shared notes 
by Sis 'U'
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

Thursday, January 25, 2018

A Special Story

A Special Story

There is a very special story throughout All time;
I have discovered; Secrets
 The Story of a people who own a story,
Everyone wants to Imitate:
   Everyone else claims it...,

Monday, January 1, 2018

Our Witnesses

Witnesses Against You

 There are so many witnesses to our wrongdoings

The Witnesses against us:

Cell phones, 

Forensic evidence, 
Your Own Conscious, 
Your Angels, 
The Un-seen, 
The which that is in the air around you, 
The Watchers, 
and The Fallen Angels


My thoughts

If you are not on the road to loving mankind; your brother and sisters in the human race, you may not be on the right road, think about it thoroughly;  then take a detour.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.   
Peace and Love to you, for you, and is you.